This is our Constitution and what we are about.
We are a non-profit society, formed with the sole purpose to provide a Metalwork Feature
at Westpoint Showground during the Devon County Show
Our aims are to encourage and develop individual and collective skills in all forms of metalwork
Particularly the Blacksmiths Craft
and to raise awareness of our members by demonstrations, exhibitions and competitions.
Membership is open to anyone supporting our aims.Membership will begin as soon as the membership form and fee has been received
and is for a 12 month period from the day of joining.
Members who carry out demonstrating and forging at other events and venues must
be experienced and use must conform to Health and Safety requirements
The AGM is held within fourteen days before the Devon County Show,and all members have equal voting rights.
Upon expiry of the license from the Devon County Agricultural Association,
our representatives will offer to discuss a renewal with them.
In the event of closure any monies will go to the DCAA.